Place Value
We started our unit on place value yesterday. I dumped straws on the floor and told the kids we had to count them all. We started...
Informational Text Features
We have been learning about all types of informational text features. We also learned why text features are important and how they help...
Ben and Jerry "Employees"
We have been learning about how animals and plants depend on one another. As we end this unit, the children applied their knowledge of...
Independent Work
We have been working very hard on learning independent skills. The children have been using several different programs for independent...
In reading we have been working on making connections between historical events or concepts. First we found the similarities and...
We Learn by Doing!
We are studying about how bees help pollinate flowers. First the children made bees from pipe cleaners. Then the children partnered up...
Measurement Skills
We have been working on measurement skills in math. We have been using the metric system. We first worked on the concept of a ruler. ...
Tagging Monarchs
We have had the wonderful opportunity to tag our monarchs with scientific data. I bought tags from Journey North. Each tiny tag is...
Connecting Science and Writing
I picked a bunch of flowers from my gardens for the kids to observe. They wrote down their observations, such as smells, color and...
Questioning Skills
In reading and in science, we have been working on asking and answering questions. Learning how to ask a great question is the simplest...